5. Welle: Das unendliche Meer (Buch 2), Taschenbuch von Yancey, Rick, brandneu, Fr...
12,86 €*
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Händler: Far Corner Europe Limited
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Standort des Anbieters: GB Castle Donington
5th Wave: the Infinite Sea (Book 2), Paperback by Yancey, Rick, ISBN 014134587X, ISBN-13 9780141345871, Brand New, Free P&P in the UK Cassie Sullivan and her companions lived through the Others' four waves of destruction. Now, with the human race nearly exterminated and the 5th Wave rolling across the landscape, they face a choice: brace for winter and hope for Evan Walker's return, or set out in search of other survivors before the enemy closes in.
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ISBN | 9780141345871 |
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