Analyse von Erdungs- und Klebesystemen, Hardcover von Mitolo, Massimo, wie...
262,48 €*
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Händler: Far Corner Europe Limited
Sofort kaufenZustand: Neuwertig
Standort des Anbieters: GB Castle Donington
Analysis of Grounding and Bonding Systems, Hardcover by Mitolo, Massimo, ISBN 0367341255, ISBN-13 9780367341251, Like New Used, Free P&P in the UK "Th explains the theory and the reasons behind basic ground electrodes and more complex grounding systems buried in uniform and non-uniform soils. This comprehensive guide provides code-complying solutions for the safety against electric shock provided by equipontential bonding connections between exposed conductive parts, such as equipment enclosures and metalwork. Details on the calculation of step and touch voltages in different types of system grounding are provided with the aid of solved problems. Readers will learn how to minimize hazardous interactions between grounding systems, cathodically protected pipelines and heat networks"--
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Book Title | Analysis of Grounding and Bonding Systems |
ISBN | 9780367341251 |
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