Guano und die Öffnung der pazifischen Welt: Eine globale ökologische Geschichte von Grego
56,66 €*
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Händler: ABC Books Ltd
Sofort kaufenZustand: Neu
Standort des Anbieters: US Ohio
'This thoroughly researched book is unique and ambitious in its temporal scope and interpretation. Thomas R. Dunlap, Texas A and M University 'Cushman demonstrates that guano, through its multitude of interconnections with nitrogen, phosphate, explosives, agriculture, and politics, provides an unexpected prism through which to view and understand human history, especially in the last two hundred years.'.
Weitere Eigenschaften |
ISBN-13 | 9781107655966 |
Book Title | Guano and the Opening of the Pacific World |
ISBN | 9781107655966 |
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