Julia Donaldson The Snail and the Whale
10,39 €*
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Händler: BB Bochumer Buchshop UG
EAN: 9781509830442
Sofort kaufenZustand: Neu
Standort des Anbieters: DE Bochum
The Snail and the Whale von Julia Donaldson. Julia Donaldson. One little snail longs to see the world and hitches a lift on the tail of an enormous whale. Her other books includeRoom on the Broom, Stick Man andZog, illustrated by Axel Scheffler, The Hospital Dog, illustrated by Sara Ogilvie and the hugely successfulWhat the Ladybird Heard adventures, illustrated by Lydia Monks.
Weitere Eigenschaften |
Titel | The Snail and the Whale |
EAN | 9781509830442 |
ISBN-13 | 9781509830442 |
Marke | Pan Macmillan |
Fachbereich | Hardcover/Kinder- und Jugendbücher/Bilderbücher |
Publikationstitel | The Snail and the Whale |
Produktart | Bücher |
Film-/Fernseh-Titel | Keine Angabe |
Publikationsname | The Snail and the Whale |
Musiktitel | Keine Angabe |
Interpret | Keine Angabe |
ISBN | 9781509830442 |
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