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Elektronenkorrelation in Molekülen und kondensierten Phasen - 9781489913722

Elektronenkorrelation in Molekülen und kondensierten Phasen - 9781489913722

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9781489913722, 978-1489913722. Electron Correlation in Molecules and Condensed Phases.

Versand: 17,01 €*

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Theorien der Elektronen in Molekülen

Theorien der Elektronen in Molekülen

Ebay-Shop: factorfiction10, GREAT YARMOUTH
Zustand: Good
The dust jacket suffers from having white areas which show the marks of having been pressed against other books Size: 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Sku: 002657.

Versand: 20,47 €*

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Electrons in Molecules: From Basic Principles to Molecular Electronics

Electrons in Molecules: From Basic Principles to Molecular Electronics

Ebay-Shop: loveourprices2, GLOUCESTER
Zustand: Neu
This book provides the reader with a unified understanding of the rapidly expanding field of molecular materials and devices: electronic structures and bonding, magnetic,

Versand kostenlos

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Kurzstrecken-Anti-Korrelation von Elektronen im Wasserstoffmolekül

Kurzstrecken-Anti-Korrelation von Elektronen im Wasserstoffmolekül

Ebay-Shop: forgottenbooksuk,
Zustand: New
The author challenges conventional trial functions and introduces an improved model that accounts for the singularity condition of the problem. Forgotten Books publishes hundreds

Versand: 12,53 €*

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Electrons in Molecules: From Basic Principles to Molecular Electronics by Michel

Electrons in Molecules: From Basic Principles to Molecular Electronics by Michel

Ebay-Shop: the_nile_uk_store, Fairfield
Zustand: New
This book provides the reader with a unified understanding of the rapidly expanding field of molecular materials and devices: electronic structures and bonding,

Versand: 13,34 €*

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Elektronische und magnetische Eigenschaften von chiralen Molekülen und Su... - 9783642266980

Elektronische und magnetische Eigenschaften von chiralen Molekülen und Su... - 9783642266980

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9783642266980, 978-3642266980. Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Chiral Molecules and Supramolecular Architectures. Vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopy of

Versand: 20,55 €*

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Relativistische und Elektronenkorrelationseffekte in Molekülen an... - 9781489913425

Relativistische und Elektronenkorrelationseffekte in Molekülen an... - 9781489913425

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9781489913425, 978-1489913425. A total of 90 lecturers and students with backgrounds in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and various interdisciplinary subjects

Versand: 17,01 €*

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Kleben in elektronenreichen Molekülen - 9783319166759

Kleben in elektronenreichen Molekülen - 9783319166759

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9783319166759, 978-3319166759. He describes how "long-bond" Lewis structures as well as standard Lewis structures are incorporated into "increased-valence" structures

Versand: 16,73 €*

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Elektronische und magnetische Eigenschaften von chiralen Molekülen und Su... - 9783642181030

Elektronische und magnetische Eigenschaften von chiralen Molekülen und Su... - 9783642181030

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9783642181030, 978-3642181030. Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Chiral Molecules and Supramolecular Architectures. Vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopy of

Versand: 20,56 €*

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Elektronen in Molekülen: Von Grundprinzipien zur molekularen Elektronik, Pape...

Elektronen in Molekülen: Von Grundprinzipien zur molekularen Elektronik, Pape...

Ebay-Shop: superbookdeals1, DERBY
Zustand: New
Electrons in Molecules : From Basic Principles to Molecular Electronics, Paperback by Launay, Jean-pierre; Verdaguer, Michel, ISBN 0198814593, ISBN-13 9780198814597, Brand

Versand: 25,66 €*

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Bindung in elektronenreichen Molekülen: Qualitativer Valenz-Bindungs-Ansatz über

Bindung in elektronenreichen Molekülen: Qualitativer Valenz-Bindungs-Ansatz über

Ebay-Shop: loveourprices2, GLOUCESTER
Zustand: New
He describes how "long-bond" Lewis structures as well as standard Lewis structures are incorporated into "increased-valence" structures for electron-rich molecules. "

Versand: 16,09 €*

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Elektronenkorrelationen in Feststoffen, Molekülen und Atomen - 9781461334996

Elektronenkorrelationen in Feststoffen, Molekülen und Atomen - 9781461334996

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9781461334996, 978-1461334996. From July 20 till 31, 1981, the Advanced Study Institute on "Electron Correlations in Solids, Molecules and Atoms", sponsored by NATO,

Versand: 14,18 €*

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Elektronen in Molekülen: Von Grundprinzipien zur molekularen Elektronik

Elektronen in Molekülen: Von Grundprinzipien zur molekularen Elektronik

Ebay-Shop: loveourprices2, GLOUCESTER
Zustand: New
This book provides the reader with a unified understanding of the rapidly expanding field of molecular materials and devices: electronic structures and bonding, magnetic,

Versand: 14,42 €*

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Elektronen in Molekülen - 9780198814597

Elektronen in Molekülen - 9780198814597

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9780198814597, 978-0198814597. Electrons in Molecules. This book provides the reader with a unified understanding of the rapidly expanding field of molecular

Versand: 14,43 €*

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Electron and Magnetization Densities in Molecules and Crystals - 9781468410204

Electron and Magnetization Densities in Molecules and Crystals - 9781468410204

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9781468410204, 978-1468410204. An Advanced Study Institute was thus held in ARLES, south France, from the 16th to the 31st of August 1978.

Versand: 14,21 €*

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Electrons in Molecules: From Basic Principles to Molecu - Paperback / softback N

Electrons in Molecules: From Basic Principles to Molecu - Paperback / softback N

Ebay-Shop: buyitnowbooksoz2010,
Zustand: New
Title:-Electrons in Molecules: From Basic Principles to Molecular Electronics. Format:-Paperback / softback. Genre:-Science, Chemistry, Physical & Theoretical.

Versand: 17,28 €*

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Elektronenkorrelation in Molekülen von Rosalee Wilson (englisch) Taschenbuch Buch

Elektronenkorrelation in Molekülen von Rosalee Wilson (englisch) Taschenbuch Buch

Ebay-Shop: the_nile_uk_store, Fairfield
Zustand: New
By Rosalee Wilson. Author Rosalee Wilson. Electron correlation effects are of vital significance to the calculation of potential energy curves and surfaces, the study

Versand: 6,29 €*

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Elektronen, Atome und Moleküle in der anorganischen Chemie - 9780128110485

Elektronen, Atome und Moleküle in der anorganischen Chemie - 9780128110485

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9780128110485, 978-0128110485. The book uniquely discusses failures as well as research success stories. Electrons, Atoms, and Molecules in Inorganic Chemistry.

Versand: 18,08 €*

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Elektronenkorrelation in Molekülen - Ab Initio jenseits des Gaußschen Quanten

Elektronenkorrelation in Molekülen - Ab Initio jenseits des Gaußschen Quanten

Ebay-Shop: loveourprices2, Matraville
Zustand: New
Electron Correlation in Molecules - ab initio Beyond Gaussian Quantum Chemistry presents a series of articles concerning important topics in quantum chemistry, including

Versand: 21,27 €*

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Elektronen, Atome und Moleküle in der anorganischen Chemie: Ein ausgearbeitetes Beispiel

Elektronen, Atome und Moleküle in der anorganischen Chemie: Ein ausgearbeitetes Beispiel

Ebay-Shop: loveourprices2, GLOUCESTER
Zustand: New
The book uniquely discusses failures as well as research success stories.

Versand: 33,59 €*

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Elektronenkorrelation in Molekülen und kondensierten Phasen

Elektronenkorrelation in Molekülen und kondensierten Phasen

Ebay-Shop: kiss_by_nature,
Zustand: New

Versand: 19,19 €*

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Bonding in Electron-Rich Molecules - 9783319307510

Bonding in Electron-Rich Molecules - 9783319307510

Ebay-Shop: books--etc, ALDERSHOT
Zustand: New
ISBN-13: 9783319307510, 978-3319307510. He describes how "long-bond" Lewis structures as well as standard Lewis structures are incorporated into "increased-valence" structures

Versand: 16,71 €*

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Kaufen Sie Electrons in molecules über unsere Preissuchmaschine, vergleichen Sie Preise, kaufen Sie günstiger. Im Vergleich enthalten sind neben vielen bekannten Online-Shops auch Angebote von Amazon, Ebay und Ubub. Damit haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Neu- und Gebraucht-Ware direkt zu vergleichen. Auszug aus unseren Angeboten:
  • Theorien der Elektronen in Molekülen, 19,25 €* bei ebay
  • Electrons in Molecules: From Basic Principles to Molecular Electronics, 61,60 €* bei ebay
  • Kurzstrecken-Anti-Korrelation von Elektronen im Wasserstoffmolekül, 16,57 €* bei ebay
  • Electrons in Molecules: From Basic Principles to Molecular Electronics by Michel, 124,57 €* bei ebay
  • Elektronische und magnetische Eigenschaften von chiralen Molekülen und Su... - 9783642266980, 236,07 €* bei ebay
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