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Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren

Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren

The cooler climate of the high-altitude Colombia Aguadas mountains means the coffee takes longer to ferment. The classic washed coffee processing method is complex and time-consuming, but up here it calls for even more skill.

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Ispirazione Venezia Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Harmonisch & vollmundig

Nespresso Ispirazione Venezia Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Harmonisch & vollmundig

We wanted to honor this distinct heritage by crafting the Ispirazione Venezia. One of Italy’s biggest coffee imports is Brazilian Arabica, so our experts began here. We then blended it with reputable, high-grown Arabicas from

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso PIXiE Titan Original Kaffeemaschine

Nespresso PIXiE Titan Original Kaffeemaschine

Straight from the design studio, the Nespresso Pixie coffee machine is an ode to the modern industrial style. Crafted for those with high standards in coffee and in looks, its essential lines and compact shape make it an icon

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Zum Shop
Nespresso Livanto Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Orange 40 ml Rund & ausgewogen

Nespresso Livanto Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Orange 40 ml Rund & ausgewogen

True to the character of northern Italian coffee Ispirazione Genova Livanto is an Arabica-centric blend with a complexity of tastes. We began with Brazilian Arabica – an approachable, mellow coffee. Into this base we blended

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Livanto Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Orange 40 ml Rund & ausgewogen

Nespresso Livanto Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Orange 40 ml Rund & ausgewogen

True to the character of northern Italian coffee Ispirazione Genova Livanto is an Arabica-centric blend with a complexity of tastes. We began with Brazilian Arabica – an approachable, mellow coffee. Into this base we blended

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Solelio Vertuo Line 10 Milchrezepte Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Fruchtig & leicht

Nespresso Solelio Vertuo Line 10 Milchrezepte Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Fruchtig & leicht

This Vertuo coffee capsule is an Arabica blend of two renowned washed coffees - both loved for their lively acidity and their distinct fruity notes - two fine characters. High-grown Colombian coffee blended with Kenyan coffee.

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Ispirazione Venezia Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Harmonisch & vollmundig

Nespresso Ispirazione Venezia Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Harmonisch & vollmundig

We wanted to honor this distinct heritage by crafting the Ispirazione Venezia. One of Italy’s biggest coffee imports is Brazilian Arabica, so our experts began here. We then blended it with reputable, high-grown Arabicas from

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Solelio Vertuo Line 10 Milchrezepte Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Fruchtig & leicht

Nespresso Solelio Vertuo Line 10 Milchrezepte Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Fruchtig & leicht

This Vertuo coffee capsule is an Arabica blend of two renowned washed coffees - both loved for their lively acidity and their distinct fruity notes - two fine characters. High-grown Colombian coffee blended with Kenyan coffee.

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren

Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren

The cooler climate of the high-altitude Colombia Aguadas mountains means the coffee takes longer to ferment. The classic washed coffee processing method is complex and time-consuming, but up here it calls for even more skill.

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
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High günstig kaufen

Kaufen Sie High über unsere Preissuchmaschine, vergleichen Sie Preise, kaufen Sie günstiger. Im Vergleich enthalten sind neben vielen bekannten Online-Shops auch Angebote von Amazon, Ebay und Ubub. Damit haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Neu- und Gebraucht-Ware direkt zu vergleichen. Auszug aus unseren Angeboten:
  • Nespresso Ispirazione Venezia Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Harmonisch & vollmundig, 4,90 €* bei Nespresso
  • Nespresso PIXiE Titan Original Kaffeemaschine, 159,00 €* bei Nespresso
  • Nespresso Livanto Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Orange 40 ml Rund & ausgewogen, 4,90 €* bei Nespresso
  • Nespresso Livanto Original Line 10 Espresso Kaffeekapseln Orange 40 ml Rund & ausgewogen, 4,90 €* bei Nespresso
  • Nespresso Solelio Vertuo Line 10 Milchrezepte Kaffeekapseln Gelb 40 ml Fruchtig & leicht, 6,90 €* bei Nespresso
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