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Nespresso Ethiopia Vertuo Line 10 Gran Lungo Kaffeekapseln Kupfer 150 ML Blumig & zart

Nespresso Ethiopia Vertuo Line 10 Gran Lungo Kaffeekapseln Kupfer 150 ML Blumig & zart

Master Origin Ethiopia is created with delicate floral Arabica’s, outlined by the signature blueberry notes coming from its natural drying process. In the western highlands of Ethiopia, farmers spread the harvested coffee

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren

Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren

The cooler climate of the high-altitude Colombia Aguadas mountains means the coffee takes longer to ferment. The classic washed coffee processing method is complex and time-consuming, but up here it calls for even more skill.

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren

Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren

The cooler climate of the high-altitude Colombia Aguadas mountains means the coffee takes longer to ferment. The classic washed coffee processing method is complex and time-consuming, but up here it calls for even more skill.

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Kahawa Ya Congo Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Schwarz 230ml Hoffnung für den Kongo

Nespresso Kahawa Ya Congo Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Schwarz 230ml Hoffnung für den Kongo

The rain-rich volcanic soils along the Kivu lakeshores of Eastern Congo are ideal Arabica terroir. Years of continued conflict and political instability leave many plantations abandonded and smallholder farmers tapping only a

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Ethiopia Vertuo Line 10 Gran Lungo Kaffeekapseln Kupfer 150 ML Blumig & zart

Nespresso Ethiopia Vertuo Line 10 Gran Lungo Kaffeekapseln Kupfer 150 ML Blumig & zart

Master Origin Ethiopia is created with delicate floral Arabica’s, outlined by the signature blueberry notes coming from its natural drying process. In the western highlands of Ethiopia, farmers spread the harvested coffee

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
Nespresso Kahawa Ya Congo Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Schwarz 230ml Hoffnung für den Kongo

Nespresso Kahawa Ya Congo Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Schwarz 230ml Hoffnung für den Kongo

The rain-rich volcanic soils along the Kivu lakeshores of Eastern Congo are ideal Arabica terroir. Years of continued conflict and political instability leave many plantations abandonded and smallholder farmers tapping only a

Versand 3,50 €*

Zum Shop
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Kaufen Sie Die farm über unsere Preissuchmaschine, vergleichen Sie Preise, kaufen Sie günstiger. Im Vergleich enthalten sind neben vielen bekannten Online-Shops auch Angebote von Amazon, Ebay und Ubub. Damit haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Neu- und Gebraucht-Ware direkt zu vergleichen. Auszug aus unseren Angeboten:
  • Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren, 7,30 €* bei Nespresso
  • Nespresso Colombia Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Rot 230ml Noten roter Beeren, 7,30 €* bei Nespresso
  • Nespresso Kahawa Ya Congo Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Schwarz 230ml Hoffnung für den Kongo, 8,30 €* bei Nespresso
  • Nespresso Ethiopia Vertuo Line 10 Gran Lungo Kaffeekapseln Kupfer 150 ML Blumig & zart, 6,60 €* bei Nespresso
  • Nespresso Kahawa Ya Congo Vertuo Line 10 Signature Kaffeekapseln Schwarz 230ml Hoffnung für den Kongo, 8,30 €* bei Nespresso
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